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HeadThe The Sisters of Muffin Manoring 1

'The Sisters of Muffin Manor' is a series of storybooks based on actual life events of three sisters at the "Muffin Manor", also known in real life as the Mapletown Manor! The stories are fun and whimsical and typically revolve around mysterious happenings during holidays and events. Some real images of the Manor are used throughout the storybooks along with animated and colorful scenes. The storybooks are available to purchase online through the links below. Enjoy! 

The Sisters of Muffin Manor

Book #1

The Sisters of Muffin Manor

 Join the sisters as they search to uncover the mysterious beginnings of the Manor and how it originally got its name. 

Book #2

Halloween Mystery

The sisters pre-Halloween camp-out turns into a spookiest memory storytelling contest full of strange and exciting twists..

Book #3

Mysteries at the Mapletown Party

 Wild events take place at the costume ball on this cool and creepy evening at the Muffin Manor. Trapped guests, missing sisters, and a cat who tries to warn everyone!

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Book #4

Three Christmas Wishes

Slightly different, this book provides a sweet and magical take on 'Twas the Night Before Christmas' with wish-granting gifts for each sister.

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